Bane NOR’s EULYNX-Compliant Signalling System in Operation
Bane NOR has successfully put its new EULYNX-compliant ERTMS Level 2 signalling system into operation on 27 October 2024. Commercial passenger operations began on 16 November 2024.
The system operates on the Gjøvik Line, a 67 km single-track railway with crossing loops. The previous signalling system, dating back to the 1950s, has now been replaced. The Gjøvik Line is served exclusively by Electrical Multiple Units (EMUs).
Bane NOR’s ERTMS Programme has been delivered in collaboration with three suppliers:
- Siemens for the ERTMS Trackside,
- Alstom for the ERTMS Onboards,
- Hitachi for the Traffic Management System.
This is the first EULYNX-compliant signalling system in operation, with the new design combining a centralised computer facility for interlocking, RBC, and TMS, with a decentralised object controller level, applied without lineside signalling.
Siemens has provided the following EULYNX interfaces for this system:
The Gjøvik Line is currently operating on the first development stage with most of the EULYNX interfaces in operation. Full compliance with SCI-ILS and SCI-RBC will be achieved in future development stages.
After more than a month in operation, the system and all EULYNX interfaces have performed reliably and to Bane NOR’s satisfaction.
The EULYNX interfaces lay the foundation for a future-proof signalling system that can support the integration of emerging technologies such as Automatic Train Operation (ATO) and satellite positioning.