Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress

1. Introduction of EULYNX

An initiative of European railway infrastructure managers

Defining an internationally standardised signalling system

Focus on common standardised interfaces

Standing organisation for continuous development, maintenance and change management of the standards Integrated into Europe’s Rail System Pillar

Maintenance and evolution of EULYNX standards

Migration of EULYNX standards and reference architecture with the evolution of signalling technologies > work within the EU Rail-System Pillar

Further harmonisation and standardisation

Supporting testing and certification of systems based on EULYNX standards

Supporting national implementations

Training and dissemination of EULYNX standards

Define a modular signalling architecture with standardised interfaces

Separate the life cycle of the interlocking core and the field elements

Reduce the vendor lock-in risks when upgrading or renewing installations

Enable overall reduction of the life cycle costs, faster implementation and commissioning

Provide industry with precise and unambiguous specifications