Správa železnic joins the EULYNX Consortium

The significant digitalisation of the railway system brings completely new topics to be considered within the railway infrastructure development. One of most crucial topics is the interoperability on the level of single railway infrastructure components and its connection to the IM IT systems. Therefore, taking a strategic step in obligation fulfillment towards European interoperability, as of 1 January 2023 Správa železnic, státní organizace became the 14th member of the EULYNX Consortium.
In May 2023, Správa železnic hosted a two-day EULYNX workshop in Prague, where EULYNX experts explained the general principles of the standardisation process. The significant interest was shown during the discussion covering the modular architecture, standardised interfaces and the underlying safety protocol RaSTA.
The first project where the principles of EULYNX solutions will be applied is the construction “Reconstruction of Batelov railway station including DOZ switching station Spělov”. Within this project, the interfaces used between the individual elements of the equipment will be defined in cooperation with the EULYNX experts group, the selected contractor and specialists from Správa železnic. The principles defined in this way will be repeated in further projects dealing with the installation of signalling equipment at Správa železnic.